Arsova, S., Corpakis, D., Genovese, A., Ketikidis, P.H. (2021) The EU green deal: Spreading or concentrating prosperity? Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 171,105637.
Arsova, S., Genovese, A., Ketikidis, P. (2021) En route to regional circular economy: identifying driving forces and challenges. 2021 Regions in Recovery Special Sessions, SS2: Circular Economy Transitions in Cities and Regions: Exploring Spatial, Social and Governance Tensions (online).
Kladakis, G., Chen, L; & S. Bellos, (2021), "Multiple credit ratings and liquidity creation", Finance Research Letters,
Golitsis, P., Bellos, S., Fassas, A., Demiralay, S. (2021)“The Spillover Effect of Euribor on Southeastern European Economies: A Global VAR Approach”, Journal of East West Business. 27 (1), pp.57-91
Demiralay S., Golitsis P. (2021) “On the equicorrelation dynamics in cryptocurrency markets”, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 80, pp.524-533
Fassas, A., Bellos, S., Kladakis, G., (2021),“Corporate Liquidity, Supply Chain and Cost issues Awareness within the COVID-19 context: Evidence from US Management Reports’ Textual Analysis”, Corporate Governance, DOI10.1108/CG-09-2020-0399
Georgantzis Garcia, D.; Kipnis, E.; Vasileiou, E.; Solomon, A. (2021) Consumption in the Circular Economy: Learning from Our Mistakes. Sustainability. 13 (2), 601
Arsova, S.; Genovese, A.; Ketikidis, P. H.; Alberich, J. P.; Solomon, A.(2021) Implementing Regional Circular Economy Policies: A Proposed Living Constellation of Stakeholders. Sustainability. 13, 4916.
Books and Conferences
Damkou, S. and Kapoulas, A. (2021) A Extending the Concept of Pester Power by Investigating Young Adults and their Parents: The Case of Life Long Pesters in Balkans. The 14th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business “Contemporary Business Concepts and Strategies in the new Era” September 22nd-24th, 2021
Golitsis, P., Bellos, S., & Alexandridis, A. (2021). Is EMU good for the Southeastern European Economies? A G-VAR model. International Conference on International Business (ICIB)/ICIB 2019/20, Thessaloniki, Greece, 23rd to 26th May 2019, Bitzenis, A., Kontakos, P. (Eds), pp. 62-84.
Serafini, G.O. and Szamosi, L.T. (2020) Variations and differences in the application of HR policies and practices by US hotel multinational firm’s subsidiaries across coordinated and transitional periphery economies: a case approach. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, pp.1-37.
Psychogios, A., Szamosi, L. T., Prouska, R., & Brewster, C. (2020). Varieties of crisis and working conditions: A comparative study of Greece and Serbia. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 26(1), 91-106.
Xharavina, N., Kapoulas A., and Miaoulis G. (2020) Netnography as a marketing research tool in the fashion industry in South East Europe. International Journal of Market Research, 62 (4), 499-515
Demiralay, S. (2020). Political uncertainty and the us tourism index returns. Annals of Tourism Research, 84(C).
Demiralay, S., & Bayracı S. (forthcoming). Should stock investors include crypto currencies in their portfolios after all? Evidence from a conditional diversification benefits measure. International Journal of Finance and Economics
Kladakis, G., Chen, L. and Bellos, S.K. (2020). Bank Asset and Informational Quality. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money.
Books & Conferences
Arsova, S., Genovese, A., Ketikidis, P. (2020) Mapping stakeholders interactions for designing and implementing Circular Economy policies in regional context. 1st International Conference: Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation, Poland (online) – Award for the 2nd Best Presentation in Sessions Sustainable Development for Regions.
Arsova, S., Genovese, A., Ketikidis, P. H (2020) Circular Economy in the regional context: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. 14th Annual Postgraduate Research.
Conference, Thessaloniki (Greece)
Psychogios, A., Prouska, R., Szamosi, L., & Gruda, D. (2020). Can we trust them again? A Framework for Repairing Trust in SMEs in an Economic Crisis Context. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2020, No. 1, p. 16901). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management. BEST PAPER AWARD
Psychogios, A., Nyfoudi, M., Prouska, R., Szamosi, L., & Wilkinson, A. J. (2020). Solidarity at Work During an Economic Crisis. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2020, No. 1, p. 11385). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Galanaki, E., Nikandrou, E., Panayotopoulou, L., Agapitou, V., Aklidou, E., Apospori, E., Szamosi, :L.. & Halikias, I. (2020). Volume in Honor of Professor Nancy Papalexandris: An Anthology on Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior and Special Issues in Management (Τιμητικός Τόμος Καθηγήτριας Νάνσυ Παπαλεξανδρή: Ανθολόγιο Διοίκησης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού, Οργανωσιακής Συμπεριφοράς και Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων).
Bellos, S., (2019), “Military expenditure, economic growth and development in transition economies: A panel VAR GMM approach”, Applied Economics Quarterly, 65(3), 139-187
Bellos, S., (2019) “Natural Resources, Energy Dependency and their association with Institutional and Growth – related variables in the Black Sea and Southeast European region”, Applied Economics Quarterly, 65, 1, 1-43
Karatzas, S., Kapoulas, A., and Prioporas, C. (2019) Consumers' Perceptions on Complexity and Prospects of Ethical Luxury: Qualitative Insights from Taiwan. Australasian Marketing Journal, 27, pp 224-232
Golitsis, P., Fassas, A.P. and Lyutakova, A. (2019) Credit Risk Determinants: Evidence from the Bulgarian Banking System. Bulletin of Applied Economics, 6(1), pp. 41-64
Psychogios, A., Blakcori, F., Szamosi, L., & O’Regan, N. (2019). From feeding-back to feeding-forward: managerial feedback as a trigger of change in SMEs. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 26(1), 18-42.
Demiralay, S., & Kilincarslan, E. (2019). The impact of geopolitical risks on travel and leisure stocks. Tourism Management, 75, 460-476.
Hanedar, A. Ö., Gencer, H. G., Demiralay, S., & Altay, İ. (2019). The Ottoman dissolution and the İstanbul bourse between war and peace: a foreign exchange market perspective on the Great War. Scandinavian Economic History Review, 67(2), 154-170.
Petrova, S. and Prodromidou, A. (2019) Everyday Politics of Austerity: Infrastructure and Vulnerability in times of Crisis, Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space [online], Sage Journals, Available from
Solomon, A., Ketikidis, P., & Koh, S. L. (2019). Including social performance as a measure for resilient and green freight transportation. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 69, 13-23.
Books & Conferences
Stojchevski M., Diamantidis A., Athanasopoulou N. and Papadopoulou S. (2019), Factors affecting Millennials’ Knowledge Sharing in the Information Technology sector: A Structural Equation Model Approach, Proceedings of The 2019 European Triple Helix Congress on Responsible Innovation & Entrepreneurship, 30 September - 1st October 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Arsova, S., Genovese, A., Ketikidis, P., Solomon, A. (2019) Circular Economy in the regional context: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. 8th International Workshop on Advances in Cleaner Production. Sanya, Hainan, China, 13th-15th November 2019.
Atanasovska, I., Solomon, A., Ketikidis, P. (2019). “Food Supply Chains at the Crossroads of Resource Scarcity, Waste & Digitalization”, Proceedings of the 5th PROLOG Conference, 19-22 June, Metz, France.
Atanasovska, I., Solomon, A., Ketikidis, P. (2019). “Responsible Innovation in the Food Supply Chain: Circular Economy & Digitalization”, Proceedings of the ETHAC2019 Conference, 30 September - 1st October, Thessaloniki, Greece.
TB Kalinowski, P Głodek, M Pérez Valls, A Solomon, ML Fornaci, T Limonta, I Atanasovska, J UribeToril, JL Ruiz Real. (2019) “Building Next Generation of Globally Responsible Digital Entrepreneurs”, Proceedings of the ETHAC2019 Conference, 30 September – 1st October, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Solomon, A., Todeva, E., Ketikidis, P.H., Atanasovska, I. (2019) “The FIT4RRI approach for responsible research & innovation experimentations”, Proceedings of the THC2019 Conference, 9 – 11 September, Cape Town, South Africa.
Xharavina, N., and Kapoulas, A., (2019)“Finding the Way Out of the Netnography Maze – Basic Steps of Conducting Netnography: The Tale of New Researchers in the Field”. THE 12TH ANNUAL EUROMED ACADEMYOF BUSINESS (ΕΜΑΒ) CONFERENCE :Business Management Theories and Practices in a Dynamic Competitive Environment September 18th -20th of September Thessaloniki)
Giannakopoulos, C., and Kapoulas, A. (2019) EXPLORING TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS DILEMMAS & RELATIONSHIP MARKETING PRACTICES IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY OF GREECE. THE 12TH ANNUAL EUROMED ACADEMYOF BUSINESS (ΕΜΑΒ) CONFERENCE :Business Management Theories and Practices in a Dynamic Competitive Environment September 18th -20th of September Thessaloniki
Kuzman, T., Bellos, S., & K., Djulic,(2018) “Determinants of innovation-based sustainability in transition and developing economies”, Ekonomske Teme, ISSN 0353-8648
Golitsis, P, Avdiu, K. and Szamosi, L.T. (2018) Remittances and FDI Effects on Economic Growth: A VECM and GIRFs for the case of Albania. Journal of East-West Business, 24(3), pp. 188-211.
Solomon, A. and Ketikidis, P. (2018). The Leading European and American Quintuple-Helix Model for Inclusive Sustainable Transportation: Cocreation with Businesses, Innovators, Policy Makers, Society, and the Environment. International Journal of Environment and Sustainability (IJES), 7(1).
Kalinowski, T., Wieteska, G., Rudnicka, A., Wronka, A., Solomon, A., Piccolo, C., Diglio, A., Bruno, G., Koh, S. and Genovese, A. (2018). The process of gaining key competencies in the implementation of energy efficient and sustainable supply chain operations. International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, 8(3), pp.232-258.
Ketikidis, P. and Solomon, A. (2018). Special issue: Co-producing knowledge, innovation and growth through university–industry collaboration – Lessons from experience. Industry and Higher Education, 32(4), pp.211-280.
Kuzman, T., Talavera, O., & S., K., Bellos (2018), “Politically Induced Board Turnover, Ownership Arrangements and Performance of SOEs”, Corporate Governance – An International Revue, 26, pp 160-179,
Books & Conferences
Collings, D. G., Wood, G. T., & Szamosi, L. T. editors (2018). Human Resource Management . Routledge, London.
Gashi E., Saropoulos S. and Diamantidis A.(2018), "Examining the relationship between Motivation and Job Satisfaction in Greek companies", Doctoral Student Conference, 9-11 May 2018, CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, Thessaloniki, Greece
Johnson, P., & Szamosi, L. T. (2018). HRM in changing organizational contexts. In Human resource management (p. 27-48). Routledge. London.
Prodromidou, A. (2018) Continuity and Change in Greek Politics in an Age of Austerity, Chapter 9 in Parker, O. and Tsarouhas, D. (eds) Crisis in the Eurozone Periphery: The Political Economies of Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal, Building a Sustainable Political Economy: SPERI Political Economy Research & Politics, Palgrave-MacMillan
Psychogios, Alexandros, Leslie Thomas Szamosi, Rea Prouska, and Christopher Brewster (2018). Varieties of Crisis & Working Conditions: A Comparative Study between Greece and Serbia. IH
Psychogios, A., Antonacopoulou, E. P., Nyfoudi, M., Blakcori, F., & Szamosi, L. (2018). How does Feedback Matter to the Sustainability of Organizational Routines?. In Academy of Management
Serafini, G. O., & Szamosi, L. T. (2018). The application of MNC HR policies and practices in the luxury hotel industry: differences and similarities between transitional periphery versus developed economies. In Comparative Capitalism and the Transitional Periphery. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Solomon, A. and Ketikidis, P. (2018). A Quintuple Helix – based Decision Support Framework Towards the Implementation of Low Carbon and Resilient Supply Chains. In: ICDSST – PROMETHEE Days 2018 Proceedings – THE EWG-DSS 2018 International Conference on DSS, 22-25 May. Heraklion, Crete.
Solomon, A. and Ketikidis, P. (2018). Sustainability & Responsibility Diffusion within Society: Blending the Quintuple Helix Model with the Pillars of RRI. In: 16th International Triple Helix Conference, 5-8 September. Manchester, United Kingdom.
Solomon, A. and Ketikidis, P. (2018). The FIT4RRI methodology for responsible research and innovation. In: 16th International Triple Helix Conference, 5-8 September. Manchester, United Kingdom.
Solomon, A. and Ketikidis, P. (2018). The Leading European and American Quintuple-Helix Model for Inclusive Sustainable Transportation: Cocreation with Businesses, Innovators, Policy Makers, Society, and the Environment. In: Ajman 5th International Environment Conference on Climate Change & Sustainability. Ajman, United Arab Emirates: Science Target.
Solomon, A. and Ketikidis, P. (2018). The Role of the quintuple-helix model for inclusive sustainable technological diffusion: co-creation with businesses, innovators, policy makers, society and the environment. In: 14th International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society. New York, USA: CGI Scholar.
Wood, G., Psychogios, A., Szamosi, L. T., & Collings, D. G. (2018). Comparative institutional analysis and comparative HRM. In Handbook of Research on Comparative Human Resource Management. Edward Elgar Publishing.
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