Degree title: Master of Arts in Translation and Interpreting.
The title is awarded directly by the University of York.
Duration: 1 year (full time) or 2 years (part time)
Mode of delivery: Weekends
Language of instruction: English
Fluency in English and Greek is required.
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The MA in Translation and Interpreting is a postgraduate programme designed to meet the increase in demand for advanced translation and interpreting in the industry. Translation Studies as a discipline has witnessed unparalleled changes over the last ten years, with new technologies and research developments rapidly transforming the profession. This programme equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue a successful career in translation, interpreting, and subtitling through a combination of theoretical and practical modules. Moreover, students learn how to use professional equipment and specialised software, and thus significantly enrich their employability profile.
The programme is addressed to those who aspire to pursue a future career in translation, subtitling and interpreting, as well as in research, teaching or management.
The programme combines:
Concepts and Approaches in Translation
This module adopts a view of translation as lying at the intersection of a variety of disciplines and, with that in view, seeks to introduce students with an interest in languages and communication to key theoretical frameworks and approaches developed within Translation Studies, but also within neighbouring disciplines, such as linguistics, sociology, literature, gender studies, ideology and cultural studies. It provides students with a solid grounding in translation theory addressing issues related to theories of equivalence, functionalism, domestication versus foreignisation, etc. The aim of this unit is to familiarise students with existing approaches to the study of translation so as to critically approach their own translations and attain the necessary conceptual skills and background knowledge to critically analyse existing translation and interpreting events.
Intercultural Communication
This module offers students a critical introduction to Intercultural Communication. It is organised around three basic axes: key concepts and dominant theoretical models in Intercultural Communication, certain ‘macro’ sociolinguistic issues that underpin Intercultural Communication, and a ‘micro’ approach examining Intercultural Communication from a discourse-pragmatics perspective as meaning-in-interaction. Students are offered ample opportunities for considering the implications of the above models and issues during tutorials and group discussion sessions.
Principles of Interpreting
This unit is designed to familiarise students with the fundamental theoretical approaches and practical skills developed within the fast-growing discipline of Interpreting studies. Within the context of globalisation and cross-country economic mobility, the need for interpreting has emerged in various settings (i.e. court interpreting, asylum seeking, etc). This unit raises students’ awareness of the various issues involved in interpreting both at a micro level (e.g. note-taking, short-term memory) and at macro level (power structures, ideology, etc) within a wide range of interpreting settings and domains. The parameters involved in interpreting, quality-assessment issues, equipment and technologies available to interpreters, as well as the ethics of the profession are some of the issues discussed.
Research Methods
This course has been designed to equip students with the essential practical and theoretical foundations necessary for independent postgraduate research. It offers students the opportunity to explore a wide range of key research practices, examining issues basically on research design, research ethics, data collection, and data analysis. Examples of good practice, as well as potential practical and theoretical problems are explored in a range of research contexts. Students receive systematic and ongoing practical training in a variety of research methods and the corresponding tools, and are also encouraged to reflect critically on their own research practices.
Translation Technologies
This module is designed to introduce students to Machine Translation (MT) and to familiarize them with Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools, which have become indispensable tools in the ever-growing translation industry, particularly within professional domain-specific areas. Students are equipped with key technical skills and become conversant with a variety of technologies that are specifically targeted at assisting translators in managing and performing translational projects more efficiently and consistently. Emphasis is also placed on developing and managing terminology databases and using translation-memory software.
Advanced English-Greek Translation
This module offers students the opportunity to develop advanced skills as translators in the specific language pair under study, through intensive practice in translation from English to Greek and vice versa. The unit analyses material from the word to the text level and examines theoretical and practical issues in the translation of authentic material from a variety of fields, such as literary, legal, technical, financial translation, as well as marketing and advertising. Students examine frequently-occurring translational problems and familiarize themselves with different approaches adopted towards translation. They are made aware of all the variables determining the translation strategies followed, such as translation brief, target audience, cultural-specific norms, etc., being also expected to justify their choice of translation strategy by producing annotations and commentary.
Simultaneous & Consecutive Interpreting
This module is designed to provide students with a solid knowledge of the practices of simultaneous and consecutive interpreting in a range of settings. Students are introduced to the various phases of consecutive interpreting (i.e. listening, analysing, memorizing and producing) and to note-taking techniques. They are further offered practical exposure to the variety of speech types that often require consecutive interpreting and which they might realistically encounter. Moreover, students are further exposed to didactic models relevant to simultaneous interpreting that will help them develop their own approaches and to strategies, such as chunking, to help them perform the demanding task of simultaneous interpreting.
Theory and Practice of Subtitling
This module familiarises students with the technical, linguistic and cultural aspects of audiovisual (screen) translation. It offers them the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to gain understanding of the theoretical and technical aspects of subtitling. In this task-oriented unit, students are introduced to fundamental concepts of film-making, and critically engage with software and materials used in the industry of subtitling (e.g. combined continuity list, spotting list, etc). The tasks undertaken in the workshops reflect the content of the lectures and students get introduced to a variety of aspects of subtitling including the captioning of news programmes. Also, a variety of issues associated with subtitle segmentation and synchronisation, subtitling conventions, and audiovisual semiotics are examined.
View the application and admission requirements of the programme
If you wish to apply for this programme you may view details of the application process.
For further information about the programmes, application process and admissions requirements, please contact:
The Humanities Department of CITY College, University of York Europe Campus is dedicated to providing high quality education, informed by the latest developments in research and teaching. We offer a variety of programmes from different disciplines ranging from communication and digital media studies, to international relations, linguistics and literature, as well as translation and cultural studies. Our aim is to equip students with the scientific knowledge and 21st century skills needed to excel in their careers, but also to offer them various opportunities for hands-on practice, internships and volunteering. Our passionate and dedicated staff members have a reputation for creating a supportive environment where our students can grow into critical thinkers and highly qualified professionals.
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Graduates can follow a range of career paths as translators, conference or community interpreters, subtitlers, localisers, literary translators, technical/linguistic consultants, editors, and language project managers or continue their studies at PhD level.
The Career, Employability and Enterprise Centre, focuses on helping students to set attainable career goals. It offers advice on CVs and cover letters, and on how to effectively handle job interviews. Through career fairs, and different internship programmes, the department aims at constantly bringing students in contact with prospective employers.
Every spring we organize the Annual Career Fair providing our students with the opportunity to get a first feel of job seeking. During the event students and alumni have interview opportunities with corporate recruiters and present their skills and abilities to potential employers. Large companies, organisations and multinationals from different industries across S.E. Europe participate every year in our Career Fair and offer employment and internship opportunities to our students and graduates.
More about our Career Services.
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The programme is taught by highly qualified academic staff with extensive teaching and professional experience, and a strong research profile. The administration staff members fully support the processes of the department and provide a wide range of services to our students.
The academic staff & administration staff of the Humanities Department