About the Library
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece

About the Library

An inspiring vision

The Information & Learning Commons (ILC) is CITY College’s, state of the art facility, a benchmark of quality educational environment and studying experience. The ILC a unique for the Greek standards model of facility brings together resources, services and technology, and provides an environment far more innovative and user-friendly than a typical academic library.

The Information & Learning Commons (ILC) is CITY College’s, state of the art facility, a benchmark of quality educational environment and studying experience

A dynamic, collaborative workspace that integrates:

  • Print collections (books and current journals)
  • Digital collections (databases, ejournals & ebooks)
  • PCs and Laptop Working Areas
  • Wireless Networking and IT Services
  • Information Services Desks
  • Study Rooms (Quiet & Silent)
  • Computer Lab (including Laptop Area)
  • Group Working Room
  • Career & Employability Corner (print and online resources)
  • Academic & Research Skills Development Corner (print and online resources)
  • Reading Areas (Individual, Quiet, Silent)
  • Lockers
  • Social and leisure space with comfortable seating


The Information & Learning Commons (ILC) is CITY College’s, state of the art facility, a benchmark of quality educational environment and studying experience

A seamless working environment

Our underlying philosophy is to provide users with a seamless working environment so that they may access, manage, and create information all in one place. Students doing research or preparing their assignments and projects can access information, use software and equipment and write, without changing location. Library and IT staff assist users with their information, reference and technology needs from a single desk simplifying this way services.

The information resources include:

  • over 34,000 print volumes
  • a core collection of textbooks and references
  • audiovisual & multimedia material and equipment
  • subscriptions to a variety of electronic resources
  • IT, including wireless networking, desktop PCs & laptops

Print items are housed throughout the main ILC area, and classified accordingly to the studies the college offers. This way students of each department may find all the items related to their studies gathered in a specific area.

Electronic resources (ER) include access, to e-journal and e-book collections, subscriptions to digital libraries and to bibliographic and full text databases. These resources are available to both, on and off-campus users.


Objectives of the ILC

  • To support the learning, teaching, and research needs of a high quality academic institution, by acquiring and organizing relevant and well balanced collections in a wide variety of formats.
  • To provide a platform for developing services and for promoting the use of innovative technologies in order to equally offer all services to local and remote users.
  • Furthermore, to offer an accessible, collaborative learning and research environment where people can pursue and share ideas.


Users of the ILC

The main objective of the ILC is to serve the information needs of CITY College’s students and staff. For this purpose, the ILC’s resources, services and facilities are basically acquired and developed to support the College's programmes. Eligible users:

  • Undergraduate students
  • Postgraduate students
  • Researchers
  • Academic teaching staff
  • Alumni


Visitors of the ILC

External visitors are welcome to use ILC resources and services and in particular, those not available in any other local library (networking & collaboration agreement). However, we cannot undertake the responsibility to build up research collections in subject areas or in languages which are outside the scope of CITY College's research or teaching activities. Visitors who are eligible for an external member subscription may only borrow items from the Standard Loan Sections.


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